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Mobile Analytics And Everything You Need To Know

One of the reasons that many marketers are reluctant to spend more money on the mobile segment while users spend a huge time on mobile devices is about measuring ad performance on mobile devices (mobile analytics), which is still challenging. However, this does not mean...
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Google Analytics and Why It Is Inaccurate

Google Analytics is, without any argument, the most popular analyzing tool today, with the ability to capture all user activity on the website and provide you with detailed reports. As with all kinds of tracking tools, Google Analytics can only provide you with numbers, data...
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New Advertising Methods that You May Not Know Yet

Nowadays, when it comes to advertising on digital channels, people usually think of popular advertising methods like paid search, Facebook ads, display ads, email, etc. However, with the development of technology and new trends, many new advertising methods also came up to cater to different...
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5 Heplful A/B Testing and Analytical Tools

Measurement, testing, and evaluation to continually improve quality and design on the website are integral parts of your job if you want to increase your conversions and supposedly what you need to do every day. What is A / B testing and how does it...
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