The Upcoming of FSO – Facebook Search Optimization
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Facebook intrudes into the search field
Facebook has officially announced that from now on you can search for any kind of information with the Search feature of Facebook. Before you can only search for posts by yourself and your friends, but from now on you will be able to search all the information from everyone, fan pages, groups, etc. Facebook states that every day there are more than 1.5 billion searches conducted on this social network and, with more than 2 trillion saved posts, Facebook can provide users with all the information they are looking for. This social networking site also emphasizes that search is a long-term focus.
Source: facebook
Whenever you search for any keyword, you will see the following information in Facebook’s search results as long as they are relevant to the keyword searched:
– Posts of your friends
– Posts of other Facebook members
– Posts from groups
– Posts from fan pages
– Photos currently public on Facebook
– Videos currently public on Facebook
– People with related profile names
– Pages with related names
– Groups with related names
– Places with related names
– The Facebook apps with related names
– Events with related names
However, please note that you can only search for content that is set for public. Content that is set for individual privacy or other settings will not be found.
- Results from friends
- Results over time
- Results by name
- Results by photos
- Results by page names
- Results by location
- Results by event
When typing a keyword into the search box you will also get some suggestions from Facebook about words that may be related to what you are looking for. This is similar to the Google Search Suggestion.
You can quickly select the most popular content (Top) or chronologically view the latest content (Fresh) related to the keyword that you are looking for.
This search feature has now been extended to PC, Android, and iOS versions.
Facebook Search Optimization (FSO) – Optimizing search on Facebook?
With this update, Facebook has officially become a rival to Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines in the news search segment. With this feature Facebook has the potential to become the place where users will use to search for the latest news and information. And all the numbers show that users spend more time on social networks like Facebook than on search engines like Google. At this point there may be no reason for users to leave Facebook anymore if they need to find information.
Source: Facebook
Observing Facebook’s search results, we can tell that it is personalized for each user depending on their friends, participating groups, following fan pages, and search history and behavior of that user. In essence, more than 200 different elements will affect what sort of content will be placed first, and what will be placed behind on the Facebook newsfeed.
Until this time, many of you who do SEO can feel that Facebook will become a new battle field of search. At this point you will not only optimize your content to get good rankings on Google, but also how to have a good ranking on Facebook when users search. Facebook Search Optimization (FSO) may soon become a trend in the future.
The question is, are you ready?
And further than that is advertising the search results on … Facebook
Paid Search has long been associated with the search engines like Google or Bing / Yahoo but in the near future, this probably will change. It’s still too early for Facebook to advertise on search results, but we can see that it’s not a far off direction and almost certainly going to happen. With 1.5 billion searches per day and still rising in the near future, Facebook may not find it difficult to make (much) money when it allow us to advertise on search results.
With this search feature, Facebook will continue to collect a very valuable source of data which is the intention of users when searching for these keywords. This data source can complement and make Facebook’s already well targeting ad even better.
Facebook Search and privacy issues
Facebook has gone further than a social network, become a search engine, and now everything you’ve written, posted on Facebook, will become searchable (if you set them in public mode). You may think that Facebook is a private and personal site, but it has become a part of the web that anyone can access.
Be careful for what you post to Facebook. Source: Facebook
At this point, with the ridiculous status in the old days or the not-so-beautiful photos of you appearing on the Facebook search results for the bad keywords it is likely that you will be badly affected. So right now you should make some adjustments and be more careful about what you post on Facebook, pay more attention to the sharing mode of these information.
In conclusion, Facebook’s search feature is still very new and actually its content and direction may be slightly different than the search engines because the information of Facebook is actually the content existing on this social network. And during this time, Facebook’s search orientation will still focus on events, updated news, and searching for sales info and other topics are still dominated by search engines as users’ choice. However, if Facebook is launching the sales feature and somehow can integrate the search for merchandise on this social network, it will be different. Let’s wait and see.
What do you think about this trend of Facebook? Please comment below.